Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm causing a stack overflow

     This is the part of any exercise program where I begin to get extremely, extremely frustrated. It’s been just shy of three weeks: I’ve been killing myself daily with these crazy workouts, I’ve been drinking upwards of six bottles of water a day, I’ve cut out things like French fries, and I’ve been incredibly sensitive about my diet.

     I haven’t lost as single pound. On the contrary. 18 days into this program, I’ve gained a pound.

     Sure, spout the bull about muscle weighing more than fat or my body just redistributing the fat it already has, but seriously? I want proof positive that all of this Insanity is doing something.

     As a bona fide chubby girl, I’ve spent my whole, entire life with the mantra that it’s just a number on the scale. The number doesn’t matter as long as you look and feel great… but that crap only goes so far. The funny thing is that in taking my measurements (bust, bustline, waist, hips, thighs, calves, arms), I’ve lost a solid inch in every single area (1.5 inches in my calves). So why isn’t the weight coming off?

     Perhaps I’m most frustrated because a measly inch isn’t totally noticeable so I don’t actually feel like any of this crap is working. My Fit Test numbers show slight improvement, but because of my mood, it doesn't feel like it's enough. I honestly just feel like sitting down with a pint and a spoon and finishing it off so I can prove that I can see soemething to the end and be successful. 

Fit Test Week 2:
Switch Kicks—33 (up from 32… wow)
Power Jacks—40 (up from 35)
Power Knees—87 (up from 63, okay, I’ll take it)
Power Jumps—15 (up from 11)
Globe Jumps—10 (up from 5. I’m actually happy with this one because “1” jump is actually a series of four jumps, so technically I upped this by 20 more jumps)
Suicide Jumps—10 (up from 6)
Push Up Jacks—15 (up from 10)
Low Plank Obliques—51 (up from 45)

     I wasn’t as ridiculously exhausted after this workout, in fact, I wasn’t even winded after the warmup. In the long run, I know I’m being healthy. I’m improving my body, making it more fit and healthy… I just so desperately want to see a certain number that I’m completely clouded by it.

     Care to send me a pick-me-up? I'm starting to feel like this:


  1. Don't stress too much, the first thing that comes down is water if you do the right series of aerobics. Make sure you alternate muscle groups, even when you're just doing things like pushup jacks and jumps you want to work specific areas each day and don't double up on days.

    If you want to see pounds drop, start drinking/eating citrus fruits... A LOT. Seriously... it helps. Citrus stuff causes your stomach to produce more acid and digest things more completely. Other things that do that? Salt and vinegar. A great workout reward for yourself is a glass of lemonade and a small serving of salt and vinegar chips.
    Hope you start seeing what you want to see soon.

    P.S. are you actually doing the "insanity" workout program? I have that same course here at UNC and it really is intense.

  2. Before I broke my wrist I was trying to lose weight and nothing I did at the time seemed to work. I KNOW how frustrating it is. I didn't start dropping pounds until I cut out nearly all processed foods and limited carbs to about 100g a day. Don't know if that will help. You can also do some research on natural ways to jump start your metabolism. It could be your body is just as stubborn as the rest of you. :-)
    Hang in there kiddo - don't give up, eventually you will get past this point.
